It was warm in Greenwich Village in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, when police launched a raid on the Stonewall Inn. The fact of the raid itself wasn’t unusual. Authorities often targeted bars that catered to gays and lesbians, drag queens, transgender people, vagrant youth, and others in the LGBTQ community. The response, however, was anything but normal. This time, the patrons fought back, in a confrontation that would become famous the world over as the Stonewall Riots, the catalyst for gay liberation across the US and beyond. This June, New York City commemorates the historic Stonewall Riots and the freedom they represent with WorldPride NYC. Across the entire month, over fifty official Pride events and attractions—from musical performances, to film screenings, to art exhibits, to lectures, to parties, and much more—will take place in the city, culminating in the spectacular New York City Pride March on Sunday, June 30. To learn more about all the events associated with WorldPride NYC, see the official website here.