Tag Archives: New York City attractions

April 23 2013

Pardon Our Dust on USA Today

Yesterday, A New York Legend Is Reborn was featured on USA Today, discussing how we are using our blog to keep our guests updated and educated about the changes happening at The New York Palace. “Most of the time, renovations scare people and they think the worst,” says Dave McCaslin, President of Northwood Hospitality, the owner of Manhattan’s iconic New York Palace. “This way, we can clearly communicate what’s happening and what the impact might be — and what it … Read More

April 16 2013

Unique Fixtures

We’ve touched on new lighting features that have been installed at The New York Palace, such as in our post Adding Sparkle with Swarovski Crystal Lighting, but we wanted to showcase even more beautiful images of both old and new chandeliers guests can find during their stays. The light fixtures below represent how The Palace is integrating both traditional and modern designs. Check out the transition from left to right in the images below. Left: A traditional chandelier that is representative of the … Read More

April 12 2013

Flashback Friday

In celebration of our past, we’re participating in our own Flashback Friday! The below photo is of one of our former bars, Gilt, which featured a honeycomb purple light. Photo courtesy of www.splendidobjectsblog.com If you loved Gilt, you will be excited for The Palace’s new bars and lounges coming soon! Stay tuned for more Flashback Friday posts and feel free to suggest your favorite past Palace moments in the comments below.